Pub Charity Donation
Pub Charity Ltd Donates Nearly $700k to construct Hospice Mid-Northland Processing Centre
Martin Cheer, Chief Executive of Pub Charity Limited, recently announced a donation of $695,002.00 to Hospice Mid-Northland Society Inc for a new processing centre for donated items.
The processing centre is where donated items are sorted for the Hospice’s three shops in Kerikeri, Kawakawa and Kaikohe. The current processing centre has served its purpose well but is now posing a significant health and safety risk to volunteers as it is too small to accommodate the growing volume of donations from the Kerikeri community. Whilst Hospice Mid-Northland is very grateful for the donations received, space is needed to process them safely by a group of volunteers that are usually elderly.

"We were absolutely thrilled when the news of their donation came through," said Belinda Watkins, General Manager of Hospice Mid-Northland.
She explained that 41% of the organisation’s funding comes from their three shops (with 42% coming from DHB funding and the remaining 17% from other fundraising activities and donations). Given that the processing centre is the hub for managing the flow to these shops, it has a vital role to play in the future of the organisation. She noted that not only would the new facility provide a safer working environment for volunteers, it would also enable more efficient processing to optimise revenue from the donations received.
In 2016 alone, Pub Charity Limited donated over $2.25 million to hospice organisations throughout the country ranging from frontline clinical, nursing and equipment costs, to building costs, to operating and administration costs, salaries, vehicles and events.
“These are organisations that support patients and their families at a very vulnerable time in their lives”, Mr Cheer said. “They play a vital role in our communities and, with the aging population, the demands on their resources will only continue to rise. Pub Charity Limited is proud to be able to make a contribution to these worthy organisations on behalf of our member hotels and taverns throughout New Zealand.”